・Jams a target's weapon, rendering it temporarily unusable. ・Passive While Equipped: enemies under the effects of any quickhack are cut off from the local network ・Excludes the target from their allies' audio and visual perception systems, causing them to be completely ignored. ・Prevents the target from communicating with their allies about your activity. ・Deafens the target, reducing their ability to detect enemy sounds. ・Passive While Equipped: Crit Hits with any weapon apply this quickhack's uncommon effect. ・Deals 30% extra damage to enemies below a High threat level. ・Applies an EMP effect to the target for 4 sec. Very effective against drones, mechs, robots, and targets with a Weakspot.

・Targets affected by Burn from Overheat are unable to use cyberware abilities. ・Burn from Overheat lasts significantly longer. ・Targets affected by Burn from Overheat are unable to perform actions. Less effective against drones, mechs, and robots. ・Applies Burn to the target, dealing high damage over time. ・Can be executed on enemies engaged in combat. ・The target will no longer be in an Alerted State when moving to your current position. ・The target will move to your current position. ・Highlighed enemies and devices can be scanned throgh obstacles. ・Reveals enemies and devices connected to the local network.
#Friendly fire hack tool full#
・Grants full remote control of the camera.

・Manipulates basic device functions, such as opening/closing doors and activation/deactivating cameras. ・Causes a device to malfunction, resulting in erratoc behavior that will distract nearby people. ・Overloads a device's electrical circuitry, permanently destroying it. ・Breaks through enemy ICE, making all nearby enemies and devices connected to the network more vulnerable to quickhacks. ・Enables remote operations of turrets and computers.
#Friendly fire hack tool manual#
・Focuses a turret's targeting into manual mode. Turrets and cameras treat your enemies as their enemies and assist in combat whether you are in combat or stealth. ・Overrides the target's recognition module, causing you to be perceived as an ally and authorization holder.

List of Quickhacks Device Hacks (Pre-Installed) Quickhack